Missions & Outreach
We support local and global efforts to build God's Kingdom and Impact our Community. We support long-term, relational efforts to bring Jesus to those who don't know Him. Local MIssionsGlobal MIssionsMinistry of Giving
Building God’s Kingdom
In 2012, God led our Elder Team to start giving a portion of our offerings to ministries that impact our local community and share the gospel around the world. Since that time, we have consistently and faithfully given 10% to local and global mission and outreach ministries–we call this our Ministry of Giving (patterned after 2 Corinthians 9:1-12).
We are committed to being generous and active in these ministries with our hands, feet, and finances. We want everyone at Pinecrest to be aware of and actively involved in ministry and outreach in their home, community and the world. It might be one of these ministries or another that God calls them to.
“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”
– Jesus, Mark 16:15
Local Ministries
Impacting Our Community
These are either in-house or local ministries that we support and are actively engaged in.
Hover over a ministry to learn more and click to request assistance or visit their website.
This is a fund managed by our Elder Team to help people in our church and community who need immediate and short-term financial assistance. We provide funds to help pay rent, utility bills, vehicle repairs, and many other financial needs. We typically make these payments directly to the collecting company or provide gift cards.
Click to Request Financial Assistance
The Food Pantry provides three full meals per day (including milk, vegetables, meat, and non-perishables) to families in our co mmunity. We support a growing number of families and work to help them get back on their feet as soon as possible. The Food Pantry has also helped feed the homeless in downtown Denver.
Click to Request Food Assistance
Caleb’s Heart Ministries is a local ministry that is focused on helping men be God loving, Bible believing, warrior men. They do this through FIght Club (a weekly Bible study of sorts), WAAWG (Weekend Almost Alone with God Retreats in the mountains), and Band of Brothers. This is not your ordinary Men’s Group!
Click to Visit Their Website
Caleb’s Heart
Step-Seven is a faith-based community helping men find freedom from their addictions and teaching them the leadership skills necessary to move forward as Christ Followers and productive members of society. They run both recovery and re-integration ministries for men in our community.
Click to Visit Their Website
Step Seven
Channel Mom is a ministry focused on helping love, coach, encourage, and support moms in our celebrity and social media driven culture. They provide media and outreach to uplift moms and families of all types. Channel Mom is expanding to reach moms of all ages, races, and socio-economic backgrounds.
Click to Visit Their Website
Eagle’s Nest Ranch is a ministry focused on helping veterans and first responders and their families who are experiencing the invisible wounds of life. They accomplish this goal through hands-on equine therapy. They focus not just on the individuals experiencing the trauma first-hand but their families who are also impacted and affected.
Click to Visit Their Website
Eagle’s Nest
“We talk of the Second Coming; half the world has never heard of the first”
– Oswald Chambers
Global Missions
Changing the World
These are the International missions and missionaries that we support and are actively engaged with.
Hover over a ministry to learn more and click to visit their website.
God’s Garden is a Haitian Orphanage base just outside of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Their vision is “cradle to graduation”. They don’t look to adopt these Haitian children out of the country, but to give them the faith, education and training they need to change and transform Haiti for Christ. We support the orphanage and regularly send short-term mission teams to the orphanage.
Click to Visit Their Website
Mission Experience
Gene & Melissa Harter are full-time missionaries helping to spread the Gospel to Germany as part of GEM Teams (Greater Europe Missions). They are former members and leaders at Pinecrest who were called to help evangelize and start churches in Germany. It may seem odd to support missionaries in a 1st World Country, but only 2% of the German population are Christians.
Click to Visit Their Website
Gene & Melissa Harter
Missionaries to Germany
Doug is a former member and Elder at Pinecrest and the Property & Construction Director for Mission Experience and is currently focused on helping the God’s Garden Orphanage in Haiti build out the site and become fully self-sufficient (e.g. solar power and water filtration). Doug is a part-time missionary and contractor. He and Leslie live in Missouri now to be near family.
Click to Visit Their Website
Doug Kotwica
Missionary to Haiti

Sunday Service @ 10 am